Women's Groups

St Barnabas has a number of vibrant groups for women – all women are welcome to attend – simply phone the leader to find out the details.

Women at the Well

If you’re interested in a weekly Bible Study group then this group is for you! This group meets at 10am on Tuesday mornings –  contact the parish office 03 351 7064 for the venue.


This is an evening group meeting on the 3rd Tuesday of the month 7.30pm in the Parish Hall. This year we will meet in the afternoon during the winter months for outings and a cafe visit. Each time there is a stimulating speaker, sales table, warm fellowship and supper. This is a very welcoming and supportive group. Contact the Parish Office 03 351 7064 for more information.

AAW Afternoon Group

This group is for those who prefer a day time group and meets in the Tui Room of the St Barnabas Centre on the 1st Wednesday of each month, 1.30-3.00pm. Contact is Madeleine Price on 03 354 4299. 

Both the Inbetweens and the Afternoon Group are affiliated to the Association of Anglican Women.