Below is a sample of the ways in which St Barnabas has served and continues to serve the community.
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care is the loving concern we show for those in particular need. It springs from our faith in God and seeks to extend God’s love to those in the parish and beyond. We have a team of visitors who are available to meet, talk and pray with you about anything of concern. Contact the parish office if you would like a visit, prayer or any other kind of support, or if you’d like to join the visiting team.

FAB Meals
FAB Meals stands for ‘Food in a Bag’ Meals. A meal on hand can be a great relief if you’re struggling in any way and cooking a full meal seems like a big effort. The St Barnabas Pastoral Care Team are happy to supply FAB meals for those who are recently discharged from hospital, have sick children, have had a new baby, or are simply struggling to put a meal on the table. The FAB Meals consist of premade ready meals, along with some fresh fruits and vegetables. Contact the Parish Office if you need a meal, or you know of someone in need.
Mentor a Migrant
Through our English Language class that runs on Thursdays from 4pm – 6pm we have encountered many people, new to this country who are looking for encouragement, language practice and advice. We pair these folk up with a parishioner and they meet together each week for a month. We’re always looking for people who can help with this important ministry.

Elder Care
Our parish offers a ‘health and well being’ programme for seniors and this runs on Mondays from 1pm – 3pm. It’s called the St Barnabas Eldercare Group. Call the Parish Office on 351 7064 for more information.
We also have monthly Van Outings which consists of a trip in the parish van to a location of interest in the wider Christchurch area, stopping at a cafe for coffee. Contact the office on 3517064 to sign up for the next trip