Who we are and what we believe.
Our Vision
What do you think life is all about? At St Barnabas we believe that Jesus holds the key to all our human aspirations. And that’s why we want to follow Him and belong to His family. We also think it’s about growing personally and making a difference in the community – that’s what Jesus went about doing.
Life at St Barnabas is a little bit ancient and a little bit contemporary. The parish was formed over a hundred years ago and so has a solid presence and commitment to the community – but we’re also made up of ordinary people living in the 21st century where faith is equally important to make sense of life and give hope and meaning.
St Barnabas is also a diverse Christian family, made up of lots of people of different ages, stages and backgrounds. There are lots of worship styles too – there’s something for everyone and we’d love to welcome you as you explore faith!
What is a vision but an overarching desire – a hope and an aspiration to do and to grow into the future. At St Barnabas our vision is very much centred on following our Lord Jesus Christ – finding out about Him, being inspired by Him and learning about human life through Him. Our vision also calls us to put into practice all that we learn about in Jesus – that is to extend God’s love as he did to people in all kinds of need. And so our vision is simple but deeply challenging and motivating:
‘Following Jesus and Extending God’s Love.’

Our Mission
Some people ask what St Barnabas stands for and what kinds of things we get up to. You can find below a short statement of things we want to achieve – the kind of church we want to become. These priorities inform our direction, our actions and the kind of future we strive for…..
- Foster inspirational worship and prayer
- Enable people to grow in faith and service
- Encourage children and young people to follow Jesus Christ
- Develop as a compassionate, spiritual centre in our community
- Seek new ways of carrying forward Christ’s mission nearby and far away