The St Barnabas walking group wound up for the year on Wednesday with a saunter around Clearwater.

Here we are pictured after our excursion enjoying muffins and coffee at Peppers, hatted with suitable Christmas headgear supplied by Pamela O’Brien. Special entertainment was supplied by Marion’s lively grandsons.

The group has been in existence for many years with some members recalling a time when the outings could mean a day of walking on the hills with a packed lunch for sustenance. These days the activities are more subdued with a walk every 2 weeks lasting about 45 mins with morning tea and a chat afterwards of similar length. Some of the group are talkers now instead of walkers, but that’s fine too. Anything goes.

We will resume our walks in mid-January and always welcome new recruits.

Let Marion in the parish office know after Jan 5th if you are interested in joining us in 2025.

Margaret Harper

By Margaret Harper