Inviting anyone who would like to join us, singing Christmas Carols around some of our local Retirement Villages.

We would love you to come and enjoy and evening of Carol singing. Bring the children and grandchildren

On Tuesday night 17th December we will meet at the St Barnabas carpark at 5.50pm. We will car pool to the Retirement Villages or you can meet us there.

Radius Hawthorne 6:05pm -@ 10 St Winifred’s Place, off Ilam Rd.

Fendalton RV 6.40pm – 73 Bryndwr Road, park on Bryndwr Rd.

Holly Lea Care Centre 7.15pm – entrance off Tui Street. Park at St Barnabas.

Holly Lea Main Building 7.30pm

Please let the parish office know if you will be attending or just turn up.

Festive hats and attire are encouraged!

By Jo Cotton