Following God with a spring in our step needs resourcing. Taking time out together away from everyday distractions is one potent way to do this. We will explore a piece of Banks Peninsula’s re-wilding landscape, eat, pray, and reflect together.

28 September 9.30am–4pm at Treetops Retreat, Little River.

Men of all ages can register at

Here’s what the retreat will look like:

  • Gather from 9.30 with morning coffee

  • Morning prayer and conversation from 10.00 – 10.30. Focusing on Emmaus Road narrative in Luke 24: 13-35 using a lectio approach.

  • Personal reflection in silence: walking, sitting, exploring forest tracks.

  • Lunch

  • Compass exercise: Where do I find myself at this point in my life journey?

  • Poroporoaki reflections from 3.00 – 4.00

  • Eucharist closure

By Andy Dickson