We need you, your friends and your neighbour’s cars!

St Barnabas are fundraising as a parish for the communities of Timor-Leste. Climate change has had devastating consequences to many of the country’s rural communities. Rice is depended upon for the livelihoods of many. Increased adverse weather conditions has devastated rice paddies and forced many youth and young adults from their education into jobs to support their families. As a result, World Vision is supporting Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration (FMNR) to support reforestation and carbon capture.

We will be holding a bake sale and car wash with all proceeds going towards World Vision.

From 7pm on Friday, 14th June our youth will be baking items to sell with the St Christopher’s youth group. They will be baking up a storm then staying over at St Christopher’s overnight. The next morning on Saturday, 15th June our youth will then return to St Barnabas for a carwash to sell our baking and clean the cars of the community. This car wash will be run in shifts:

  • 10am to 12pm
  • 12pm to 2pm

We will need the assistance of all to:

  • invite friends, family and workmates
  • advertise the car wash with flyers (and a human billboard … anyone!? 😉 )
  • wash cars
  • package baked items
  • sell baked items and manage money
  • have conversations with visitors

We need help from everyone – children, youth and adults! All are welcome to assist! RSVP if you can assist. Email nathan@stbarnabas.org.nz with your preferred car wash shift and/or what you can assist with. 

Donated baked items are welcome on Saturday morning from 8:30am. Please ensure that ingredients are listed with the baked item for those with allergies. Thank you!

By Nathan Muirhead