We are having a book fair at the end of September, and we’d like you to join in. We are currently putting a team together, from within the Parish, contact Jenny Glasson if you’re keen to help.

We would welcome books, puzzles, DVDs, and CD’s that you no longer require.

You may also have family or friends that would be keen to drop off any of the above as well.

Also, we need sturdy brown paper bags for people to store their purchases.

Please drop your items off at the parish office or bring to church. If need be, we will collect from you.

Closer to the time, we would welcome people who would be available to sort, move the stock, and supervise the sale days, Friday 29th & Saturday 30th September.

Please contact Jenny Glasson (027 202 6092) for further info & if you’d like to offer to help sort and sell books. 

By Jenny Wilkens