Recently Anglican churches around the world were invited by the Anglican church in Riga, Latvia, to send them a postcard, to create an exhibition for Baznicu Nakts (The night of churches) when people visit churches around the city. Rev Jenny took up the challenge and here’s her postcard to them:
Greetings to you all at St Saviour’s Anglican Church, Riga, Latvia.
What a lovely initiative as you celebrate Baznicu Nakts and the Anglican churches of the world.
I am the Priest in Charge of St Barnabas Anglican Church, Fendalton, Christchurch, New Zealand.
My grandfather Karlis Gravitis was born in Vec Piebalga, Latvia in 1891 and came to New Zealand in 1923, and spent the rest of his life here until his death in 1968.
I have recently linked up with the small Latvian community in Christchurch, most of whom are the descendants of refugees who came here after WW2. There is a small Latvian House, and they celebrate festivals and hold Latvian lessons—so I am finally learning the language of my grandfather and hope one day to visit Latvia for myself. Several of my family members have visited Latvia in recent years but it is on my bucket-list!
Every blessing to you on your celebrations. I very much hope to visit St Saviour’s myself in due course, and meanwhile send the greetings and prayers of the St Barnabas community in Fendalton. They have weathered the earthquakes that affected the city in 2010/2011, have rebuilt the church, and the parish hall is currently being strengthened and will reopen later this year. With greetings and prayers from Rev Jenny Wilkens, Priest in Charge and the parishioners of St Barnabas, Fendalton, Christchurch, New Zealand.
Te aroha me te rangimarie a te Atua ki a koutou. [Maori]
May God’s love and peace be with you. [English]
Lai Dievi mil un miers ir ar jums visiem. [Latvian]
By Jenny Wilkens