Praying together is a big part of Christian living, and at St Barnabas we have a number of ways to do this. But is there something else we could be doing?
When we pray, we give our attention to God in a two-way communication which deepens our spiritual relationship. In these conversations we ask for things we need, advice or guidance, and give praise for God’s many blessings.
Christians are called not just to pray alone, but alongside other Christians.
At St Barnabas we are very blessed to have a dedicated team of Prayer Ministers who are available to pray with you during the 9am and 10.30am Lifestreams Services.
Also available in the church is the Prayer Basket on the candle trolley – write a prayer request and put it in the basket, these are prayed for by the prayer ministers during the service.
For urgent prayer requests, text Jo Cotton 027 545 1185 and she will text the need to our team of pray-ers.
However, we recognise that at times people would like prayer, but they don’t feel comfortable in the current setting. The Prayer Ministry Oversight Team are asking for your feedback to the following questions:
· Do the current Prayer support options meet your needs?
· If not, how would you like to be supported?
Options that could be considered are different times, location, by telephone or online.
Please let Mary Mills know your thoughts on different approaches by phoning 352 1172, email
Please also contact Mary if you feel called to Prayer Ministry in a different setting.
By Prayer Ministry Team